Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Monday Mornings With Lady Liv!

Lady Kika

Lady Liv

Lady Nej

Lady Peregrine

Lady Rodeo

Passion and Velveteen

Peymen and Nick look on

Thank you to Lady Liv for hosting and to everyone who came out for some Monday morning coffee and conversation!

Monday, March 27, 2017


Lady Delicatia

Lady Lobbie

Lady Peregrine and Cam

Lady Rodeo

Lance and Chromatick

Lady Saramoa, Reason and Bunny

Thank you to Lady Peregrine for hosting Friday's WTF!  And for this lovely photos too!  There's some multitasking for you.

And The Winners Of Trivia Are.....

Lady Eva hosting

Lady Liv looks on

Lady Persephone and Leasha

Lady Rodeo, Lady Tika and Lady Joie

Looking on

And the winners...by a HAIR...are the subs!  Congratulations subs!  I'm  sure there will be no consequences or retaliations for your win.  

A special thank you to Jon Robbie for doing up a fantastic set of questions for us.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

NUN Lounge With Pamela E!

As I've often mentioned, The Dominion started out as a nunnery

Miss Pamela working up a lather and getting ready to spin

Miss Pamela, Gia, and Lady Gabrielle getting all biblical a bit later at D Lounge

Pam and a disciple

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


On display

Brian on the block

A very butch looking Carl

Lady Noirran, Lady Ingwaz and Lady Mira

Lady Copper and Nathan

Lady Eva

Lady Ingwaz

Lady Persephone and Leasha

Lady Tanarra and Jason

Thank you to all of our auctionees and to everyone who came out to support our auction event!  Oh and if you're wondering why Pam is a nun...well it had to do with a bit of auction shenanigans.  You had to be there.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Would You Rather?

Kaiser, face down

Lady Noirran and Niki

Our lovely host Lady Peregrine

Lady Saramoa and Reason

Lady Suz

Thank you to Lady Peregrine and to everyone who came out to Friday's round of Would You Rather!

Taming The Cock

And who better to do it but Lady Persephone!

Lady Karrie: Goodbye Single Life!

Our blushing bride to be, Lady Karrie!

Piggy stripper

We had a great turnout - thanks everyone!

Lady Rodeo and Lady Mira

Lady Dalia

Bakibum on the pole!



Karrie in her veil to signify her purity and virginity



Our lovely DJ Lady Noirran

Thank you to Lady Noirran for spinning and to everyone for coming out and/or sharing their relationship advice with our lovely bride to be, Karrie. Congrats Karrie!  We're so very happy for both you and Mark!  Don't forget EVA is a good baby name (Evan for a boy).