Saturday, October 24, 2009

Miss Maddie

So, I couldn't continue my homages to friends this month without including one of my closest friends, our Managing Editor at FEMDOM Magazine, and our Mistress of Auctions, Miss Madeleine Broome.

Madeleine is another one I can't remember meeting, however I do remember the first time I really took notice of her. We were both in a meeting at another Femdom discussing a proposal on a voice verification program. I was presenting it and Madeleine was one of the group preparing to vote on the proposal. When I finished my presentation many of the ladies nodded in approval. I was rather satisfied with myself and then I heard a voice of dissent from one side of the room. It was Madeleine. I can't recall all of her objections, but they focused on the lack of reliability of the process and the general ridiculousness of it. I thought, 'Who is this??'. I was all ready to push my little proposal through but Madeleine wasn't gonna let me get away with it that easily. Long story short, thats when I first learned not to expect Madeleine to lay down just because its what everyone else is doing.

Soon after this I joined the staff of this Femdom, where Madeleine also happened to be a judge. I got to know her better, and although we didn't become close I did get to see how smart, reasonable, and fair she was. I found that she had a lot of common sense, which, as my mother used to say, actually isn't so common. I also had a chance to see what a great wit and dry sense of humour she has. My suspicion of Madeleine pretty quickly turned to affection and respect.

As the situation at this other Femdom deteriorated in to bickering and feuding, I got to see Madeleine in action. She didn't tolerate any bullshit or grandstanding, and wasn't afraid to call anyone on it. One of my favourite memories of Madeleine was hearing her take down a particularly ridiculous and loud mouth Domme in group chat. This Domme was a total bully but Madeleine wasn't having any of it. After berating a number of people this Domme turned her attention towards Madeleine, Madeleine responded, "Do you want a piece of me old Lady? Let's go.". The other Domme immediately backed down, knowing she was out of her league. I loved it.

When I started Dominion Madeleine was one of the first Ladies I invited to come over with me. I wasn't sure she would agree to it. I knew she had pretty much had enough of the politicking and bullshit that was running rampant in the Femdoms at the time, however, I also knew Madeleine hates being bored, and that was probably what enticed her to accept the position in the end.

Dominion had lots of problems in the early days, settling in and finding our direction. Many of the ladies here were drama queens or required a lot of hand holding. Not Madeleine. She was always reasonable, professional, and reliable. Over time I grew to rely on her and trust her completely. She became my sounding board for whether or not something is 'right', and she is still often the one I IM and ask for advice when I am unsure how to act.

Madeleine and I have spent lots of time joking around and having fun...she has a great sense of humour and an appreciation of the absurd. She is virtually impossible to offend with a joke, but has an old fashioned sense of honour and integrity. If she sees lapses in yours or in how you treat her, you are not likely to get the time of day.

As many of you know, Madeleine is also the Managing Editor of FEMDOM Magazine. When I first started the magazine I was totally naive and had no clue what I was doing. Luckily, Madeleine came in and helped me put it together from the ground up. So much of the magazine is Madeleine. I do lots of the networking and of course Maz does the visual, but Madeleine is the one who guides us with the direction and quality of the magazine. If she ever leaves we most likely will have to fold. Thats how important she is to the process.

Madeleine once said to me that she can be someone's 'best friend or worst enemy, your choice'. I believe it. She's been a wonderful and sincere friend to me, someone whom I love and think the world of. She does still scare me a little, mostly because I do look up to her alot. If I should ever be so unfortunate to lose her good favour, I know I will have seriously fucked up.

Some of my favourite times in SL are in the evenings when Madeleine and I are IMing and comparing notes, or she is regaling me of her life with her collection of characters, or her adventures in the netherworlds of SL. Maz will be on Skype with me and hear me laughing and say, "that must be a Madeleine conversation". I can't imagine being here without her smartass remarks, her good advice, or support. I really feel so lucky and privileged she has chosen me to be her friend.

1 comment:

  1. Believe me when I say the appreciation and respect is mutual. For the kind words, I thank you, but for the friendship, throughout the good and the bad, I am truly grateful. I'd stand back to back with you against the idiots any day.

