Sunday, November 1, 2009

Saturday's Auction

Lyber, who's anatomy elicited some comparisons to deli meat

Lady Madeleine with her boy Kees (peeking out behind the podium) and the boys on display

A view of the crowd

Loth up for sale, who proved to be very popular, inciting a bit of a bidding war

The Ladies watching the show
We missed our last auction due to our anniversary celebrations and I think everyone was ready for a show. We had a great turnout and a real assortment of boys up for sale, including a few characters and some very popular boys.

I do sincerely appreciate the funds raised for the sim during the auctions, but more than anything, the auctions are a show, and the amusement is the biggest payoff. Definitely one of my favourite activities at Dominion.

Thank you to our lovely auctioneer, Lady Madeleine for her hard work and time spent wrangling the subs, and to everyone who came out and participated. I don't say it often enough, but a big thank you to the boys who volunteer to be sold. Some of them need some convincing and some are a little scared. I think we don't always realize how intimidating it can be to have 50 or 60 women asking you questions and commenting on your appearance while you stand there naked. It takes a brave soul! So thank you to all of the boys who volunteer...we couldn't do it without you!

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