Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary Dominion!

Today is our actual third anniversary, October 17th, 2011. We've already had three amazing days of celebrations with our parties, our Masquerade Ball, Auction, Mr. Dominion, some great discussions, and of course our big Supreme Court. And there is more yet to come today including a special Q & A at noon, a Meet & Greet at 2pm and a anniversary edition of Speed Mingling at 5 pm. It's also the last day of our Birthday Hunt, so if you haven't done it yet, you are running out of time.

We have also waived our 250 membership fee until midnight tonight, so if you know anyone who has been thinking about joining, now is the time.

So much has been said this anniversary about our wonderful community. I've been dazzled by the writings and songs even, that have been shared as we celebrate what we've built together. In past years I've written long passages mentioning many people by name, paying tribute to our staff or getting nostalgic. For this, our third birthday, I feel that there is such an understanding between us, such a solidarity, that the thought of reiterating this all again seems moot. Besides, some of you have already said what I would like to say in a far more eloquent way. So instead, I'd like to simply say thank you. Thank you for sharing yourselves and opening up your lives in an environment many so quickly dismiss as lesser, for sharing your triumphs and sorrows, your humour and experience. Thank you for your time and your commitment, your creativity and energy. Thank you for breathing your spirit in to Dominion's empty shell, and giving me one of the most profound experiences of my life.

Some day, hopefully long in to the future, this experience we are having together will only be a memory. We'll try and tell people about it, this collection of characters from all over the world who came together for a moment in time, but they won't believe it or understand it. The only words that will suffice will be, "You had to be there".

Thank you to all of our members, new and old, for being part of this tale we are writing together. You've written yourselves all over my life, and all over my heart.



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