Monday, November 18, 2013

Proust Questionnaire With Lady Majik!

It's another edition of our Proust Questionnaire with Lady Majik!  It's a chance to get to know our members a little bit better. If you'd like to participate please add your name to the thread in our Fetlife group or drop Evangeline Eames a notecard inworld.

Lady Majik asked for a brief disclaimer - this is a favourite photo of Majik at 20 years old. Currently Majik is a bit older and a lot more sophisticated and fabulous!

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST FEAR? "Fear is the mind killer." --Frank Herbert from "Dune"
There are a lot of fears that I have overcome and some I'm still working on like violence and big fat hairy spiders but my worst fear is the death of Mother Earth from nuclear destruction while there is still no escape to space.

WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT STATE OF MIND? I'd have to say worry can best describe it. The health and well being of my family is my greatest worry. Money has to be next in line. One way or another these things will resolve themselves. I simply try to be a positive influence on the ultimate outcome.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE OCCUPATION?(WAY OF SPENDING TIME) Creating is the all encompassing answer but I create in so many different ways. I'm very cyclictic. I work in waves. I'll spend months sewing, then go on to jewelry, music writing, crafts, knitting, etc. and then I'll get into reading a series of books. What ever I'm doing at the moment takes up my whole mind.

WHAT HISTORICAL FIGURE DO YOU MOST IDENTIFY WITH? Black Elk. He was an Oglala Sioux and a very wise man. He spent all of his adult life trying to heal the hurt all of the Nations had to endure. As a peace maker he tried very hard to understand why the white men acted the way they did and endeavored to help all people live in peace with each other. If you've never read "Black Elk Speaks" I highly recomend it. I identify with him because I too try to keep the peace between individuals and races in my own small way. I use all of my healing modalities to help bring peace and harmony to all beings one being at a time.

WHICH LIVING PERSON DO YOU MOST ADMIRE? Stephen Hawking. I have great hope that he will help us gain enough knowledge for practical space travel. Meaning the ability to travel hundreds of light years within a single lifespan or better yet, thousands of light years. Space travel isn't practical if it takes a life time or more just to reach the neighbouring solar system.

WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE FICTIONAL HERO? Gandalf. He is wise and powerful and used that for the good of both individuals and the world. He was a hard task master and was often harsh with people he loved, not to be mean but to help them overcome their self imposed faults.

WHO ARE YOUR REAL-LIFE HEROES? My mother-in-law has to be my all time heroine. No one I know has faced adversity with as much courage as she has. Seventeen years ago she was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. Over the last 15 years I have watched her physical strength grow steadily worse. However her strength of mind and character has not flagged but became stronger. She has a great determination to live and learn for as long as she is able. She still generates her own finances via good decisions in the stock market. She ownes her own home and still lives on her own regardless of the fact that she can barely move. She is always upbeat and positive. She can no longer get into bed or bathe or even feed herself. It takes her achingly long minutes just to type a word on the computer. She has great patience with herself and never bemoans her fate but accepts it for what it is.

WHAT IS YOUR MOST TREASURED POSSESSION? At several points in my life I have lost every single thing I had except for the clothes I was wearing. Things don't matter much to me any more. There are only two things that I'm sad I lost. One was a quilt my grandmother made for me and another was my collection of very old first addition books. Most things can be replaced. Several years ago, due to a head trauma, I lost my memory for several weeks. If memory is a possession it would have to be that. I can't even describe how terrified and helpless I felt. Otherwise it would have to be my Ovation guitar and my electric guitar with all the signatures.

WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU HAPPIEST? Camping with my husband and children back when my youngest kids were still wide eyed with wonder at the world and the older kids were, well, still kids. We would have simple food, take long nature walks, play rough and tumble kind of games and pretend to hunt. At night after supper I'd play guitar and everyone would sing along around the fire. Then we would, one by one, go into the tent and crawl into the sleeping bags and sleep like babies. This was not one single moment. We would go camping at least two times a year. Once in the spring or early summer and once in the fall but in my mind they are all part of one big happy package. Some trips were in the middle of nowhere in the woods or lakeside and some were more touristy like the Canadian side of Niagara falls. All were majikal!

WHAT IS YOUR MOST OBVIOUS CHARACTERISTIC? Physical characteristic? My hair is the most notable and obvious. I think it's about 18" by now. I let it grow for 5-8 years, cut it short and give it to 'Locks for Love' and start over again. It's about time for a haircut. OK. Some I keep and I make floggers out of it.

WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST DEPLORE (HATE) IN YOURSELF? My shyness. It's not so much shyness but social awkwardness. I tend to trip over my own words and make bad jokes that people don't get. How I write and how I speak are two different animals. I'm almost afraid to think of the impression I make. Some folk take it as snooty, stand-offish or worse... a ditzy country bumpkin. In person my teasing nature is more obvious because of body language. Online, one on one I'm fine but I have to force myself to sit in the courtyard. Yet another thing I have to work on. So if you see me sitting quietly in the CY try not to judge me too harshly.

WHAT IS THE TRAIT YOU MOST DEPLORE IN OTHERS? Self righteousness. "Your values are crap next to mine and because I believe that to be true I will destroy you."

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST EXTRAVAGANCE? Cigarettes. They're expensive, destructive and have a negative impact on my life. Yet I still spend money on them. I'm making progress on this one.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE JOURNEY? "Thinking is the best way to travel." -- Moody Blues
I love reading. The most fantastic places I've ever gone were through books. One can travel through time from the past to the future and through space from anyplace on earth to the farthest reaches of the metaverse. The mind powered with imagination is the most awesome conveyance.

WHAT DO YOU MOST DISLIKE ABOUT YOUR APPEARANCE? O.o! My guilty secret. My teeth. They are crooked, broken and stained from cigarettes. Note that my more current pictures may show a smile but not my teeth.

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST OVER-RATED VIRTUE? Religous fervor. "I'm perfect because I believe such and such."

ON WHAT OCCASION DO YOU LIE? When people ask "How are you?" only as a nicety. They don't really want to hear "I'm in pain" or "I'm sad today".

WHICH WORDS OR PHRASES DO YOU MOST OVER-USE? "Oh my aching back." I end up saying that several times a day no matter how hard I try not to.

IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELF, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I would get rid of my back pain and nerve damage so I could get on with becoming a more productive person.

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT? Raising my children. Even the younger ones who are still maturing. The fact that my older ones were also wild when they were in their late teens and early twenties but are now wonderful people is what gives me hope for my younger kids going through their wild times.

WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? On a farm in the UK raising food of all types. Animal and fruit/veggies. Of course I would need to populate the place with willing participants.

WHAT IS THE QUALITY YOU MOST ADMIRE IN A MAN? WHAT IS THE QUALITY YOU MOST ADMIRE IN A WOMAN? I'm going to double up these as well. In people, I most admire the ability to grow and learn from all that life offers, the good and the bad.

WHAT IS IT YOU MOST DISLIKE? The exact opposite from the above question. I despise self imposed, willful ignorance.


HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIE? Quietly and painlessly, with my favorite people nearby.


IF YOU COULD CHOOSE AN OBJECT TO COME BACK AS, WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE? A tree in a deep and wild wood. Not that I think trees are objects. They are living things.

WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO (WORDS YOU LIVE BY OR THAT MEAN A LOT TO YOU)? Peace and happiness. I often say this to people upon departure or at the end of an e-mail or note. These are not just words to me. I truly mean that I wish them the experience of peace and happiness.

WHO HAS BEEN THE GREATEST INFLUENCE ON YOU? My kids. Sure it’s my job to nurture and teach them but at the same time I have learned vast amounts from them as well. They helped me to gain perspective on life, take on serious responsibility as well as help me learn to laugh, play and love again.

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